Cloud Gate sculpture by Anish Kapoor, Chicago. Ssshhhh! Don't tell your competitors about Call Whisper. Call Whisper

07 - Mobile and Personal

International Roaming Charges

International Roaming

This FMC solution combines true mobile least cost routing for the enterprise client that helps cut International Roaming Charges by up to a staggering 90% (Ninety Per Cent) and extends all of the feature of the PBX into the Mobile handset.

The service operates by setting up a call in GPRS mode and 'hubs' back to the Server in the nominated country, whereupon it consults a look up table of tariff information and immediately makes a decision as to which route the call should be made. Essentially, it bypasses the Mobile Operators networks and sends the call over the least expensive network.

This can save customers between 30-90% of their international roaming charges.

This service is open to any size of client as long as there is sufficient International Roaming traffic on their mobile bill.

This service is a clear demonstration of how true Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) should be deployed in an operation.

For more information, please consult our friendly sales team on: .